Prof. Dr. med., Prof. h. c. (RCH) Hubert J. Bardenheuer
Anesthesiologist, Pain Therapist, Director of the Center for Pain Therapy and Palliative Care at Heidelberg University
Head Physician of the Palliative Care Unit of Heidelberg University at St. Vincentius Hospital, Heidelberg

Dr. Bardenheuer is co-founder of COMPACT, the Competence Center for Palliative Care Baden-Württemberg. He is a member of the senate of Heidelberg University and of the Interdisciplinary Forum for Biomedicine and Cultural Sciences (IFBK). As a fellow at the Marsilius Kolleg of Heidelberg University he participates in interdisciplinary projects on the subject "human dignity at the end of life."
Dr. Bardenheuer is author and co-author of numerous medical articles in international journals. Since 1997 he has been co-editor of the annual volume Weiterbildung für Anästhesisten: Standardwissen für den Facharzt. In 2003 he received the teaching award of the state of Baden-Württemberg for his cooperation in devising the medical curriculum at Heidelberg University.
Department in FIIT
XIV. Pastoral Care, Psychology, Medicine
Im Neuenheimer Feld 131 |
Heidelberg |
Germany |
69120 |
Tel: +49-(0)6221-56-5161
Fax: +49-(0)6221-56-33911