Prof. Dr. Hanna Liss

Professor of Bible and Jewish Biblical Studies
Dean of the College for Jewish Studies
Prof. Liss was Harry Starr Research Fellow at Harvard University and has taught Bible, Jewish Biblical Interpretation, and Jewish Studies at Lexington Theological Seminary as well as the University of Kentucky (USA). For thze academic year 2008/09 she was appointed Alfried Krupp Senior Fellow at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald.
Her focus in research is on medieval Jewish Biblical commentaries and writings on Biblical literature in Western Europe (1000-1300). She also studies priestly literature in the Hebrew Bible, dealing with laws on ritual purity in particular. Another emphasis of her work is on Jewish Biblical hermeneutics as well as Biblical exegesis and literary theory.
Her most important publications include Tanach: Textbook on the Jewish Bible (German, 2. ed., Heidelberg: Winter, 2008); Rashi and His Heritage: International Conference of the College for Jewish Studies and the City of Worms (ed. with D. Krochmalnik, German, Heidelberg: Winter, 2007); The Unanswered Prophecy: Communicative Structures of Prophetic Speech in the Book of Yesha'yahu (Leipzig 2003); El'asar ben Yehuda of Worms, Hilkhot ha-Kavod: The Doctrinal Propositions of God's Glory: Edition - Translation - Commentary (Texts and Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Judaism 12, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1997).
Department in FIIT
VII. The Cultural Impact of the Bible and the Jewish-Christian Dialogue
Projects within the framework of FIIT
Scholarly Knowledge or Squiggly Decoration? The Hebrew Bible’s Masora in its Various Material Properties (TP B4 im SFB 933 Material Textkulturen)
Prof. Liss' chair is launching a project on "The Biblical Texts of Manuscripts with Babylonian-Yemenite Punctuation: Ascertaining its Textual Variants" on 2015; it will be funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Hanna Liss is part of the 1728 graduate research group „Theologie als Wissenschaft“ (with Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt a. M., Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule (PTH) Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt a. M.; Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz; funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). Its aims to reconstruct the development of reflexivity in Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions.
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