Prof. Dr. Friederike Nüssel

Professor of Systematic Theology
Director of the Ecumenical Institute and of the Ecumenical Dormitory
University Heidelberg
In her research Dr. Nüssel focuses on issues like concepts of Christian unity in Christian denominational cultures; confessional differentiation as a resource; the concept of religion and its functions; modern atheism; Theology and neurosciences.
Dr. Nüssel is co-editor of several well known research periodicals and monograph series. Among her publications are to be mentioned: Bund und Versöhnung: Zur Begründung der Dogmatik bei Johann Franz Buddeus (FSÖTh 77, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996); Allein aus Glauben: Zur Entwicklung der Rechtfertigungslehre in der konkordistischen und frühen nachkonkordistischen Theologie (FSÖTh 95, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000); Einführung in die Ökumenische Theologie (with Dorothea Sattler, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2008); Theologische Ethik der Gegenwart. Zentrale Ansätze und Themen (ed., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009).
Department in FIIT
XI. Denominational Differentiation as a Resource
Projects within the framework of FIIT
- Potentials of Young and Old Age. An Interdisciplinary Research Project on the Social Possibilities of different Age Groups
- Graduate research school "19th and early 20thGlobal Religious History from a Regional Perspective" with five theological and nontheological disciplines
- Multiple Reformations? The Heidelberg-Notre Dame Dialogue on the Legacies of the Reformation Age
Plankengasse 1 |
Heidelberg |
Deutschland |
69117 |
Tel: 0049-6221/543341