Prof. Dr. Manfred Oeming

University of Heidelberg
In the forefront of Prof. Oeming's research and teaching are the themes of historiography in Israel, the Psalms, Biblical archeology and the Jewish-Christian dialogue. He is vice president of the College for Jewish Studies (Heidelberg) and has been active as a visiting professor in Jerusalem.
Included in his publications are the monographs "Gesamtbiblische Theologie der Gegenwart. Das Verhältnis von AT und NT," "Das wahre Israel. Die genealogische Vorhalle 1 Chr 1-9," "Einführung in die Biblische Hermeneutik" and a commentary on the Psalms. Prof. Oeming has written numerous articles, among others for the lexicon RGG (fourth edition).
Department in FIIT
VII. The Cultural Impact of the Bible and the Christian-Jewish dialogue
Projects within the framework of FIIT
- The culture-shaping power of the Bible:
- The reception of Biblical traditions in theological anthropology and ethics
- The fundamentalist usage of the Bible
- The problem of violence in the Biblical tradition
- The homiletic reception of Biblical texts
- A commentary on Job
- Archeological excavations in Aseka, where tradition locates David's battle with Goliath.
- The Theology of the Old Testament/the Hebrew Bible from Protestant, Catholic and Jewish perspectives
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