Prof. Dr. Helmut Schwier
Professor of New Testament and Practical Theology,

University of Heidelberg
Prof. Schwier received his doctorate in New Testament Studies and a postdoctoral degree (Habilitation) in Practical Theology. Within the field of Practical Theology, he represents the areas of Homiletics and Liturgy. Previously, he taught Liturgical Studies at the College of Church Music in Herford, Germany.
In addition to scholarly articles in the encyclopedia Religion Past and Present (fourth edition), some of his other publications include: The Temple and its Destruction: Examination of Theological and Ideological Factors in the First Jewish-Roman War (German), The Renewal of the Liturgical Manual: On the Development and Concept of the Protestant "Gottesdienstbuch" (German), Pulpit, Cross, and Camera: Inspiration for Worship and Sermon (German; with C. Magin), as well as Church and Israel. A Contribution from the Reformed Churches in Europe to the Relationship between Christians and Jews (German and English; editor), the anthology Practical Theology: A History of Theory and Fundamental Questions (German; co-ed. with C. Grethlein) and the two empirical studies Listening to a Sermon, for which he worked together with the physicist and media scientist Sieghard Gall.
Department in FIIT
VII. The Cultural Impact of the Bible and the Christian-Jewish Dialogue
Projects within the framework of FIIT
- Heidelberg Sermon Research Center
- Empirical Homiletics
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69117 Heidelberg |
Germany |
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