Prof. Dr. Klaus Tanner
Professor for Theology and Ethics,

Dr. Tanner's research focuses on the relationship betwee nprotestantism and political culture in 19th and 20th century Germany as well as the hermeneutics in ethical and political decision making, with special regard to bio and medical ethics.
Before coming to Heidelberg he taught in Munich, Dresden and Halle/Wittenberg. He gained experience in "political counseling" as an expert member of the Committee of Inquiry on "Legal and Ethical Aspects in Modern Medicine" in the federal chamber of the German Parliament (2000-2002). He also serves as member of the "Central Ethical Commissionon Stem Cell Research" and is part of the "Ethics Working Party" of the "International Stem Cell Forum." Dr. Tanner is also member of the national academy of sciences "Leopoldina." Prof. Tanner is also scientific director of the interdisciplinary think tank "Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft" (FEST)
His publications comprise Die fromme Verstaatlichung des Gewissens: Zur Auseinandersetzung um die Legitimität der Weimarer Reichsverfassung in Staatsrechtswissenschaft und Theologie der zwanziger Jahre, Der lange Schatten des Naturrechts, Protestantische Identität heute (ed. with F. W. Graf) and Religion und symbolische Kommunikation (ed.). He is co-editor of the journal Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik.
Department in FIIT
II. Theology, Law, Bioethics and Medical Law (Human Dignity)
III. Theology and Legal Studies
- Embodiment as Paradigm of a new Evolutionary Cultural Anthropology
- Legal and Theological Dogmatics
- Multiple Reformations? The Heidelberg-Notre Dame Dialogue on the Legacies of the Reformation Age
- Religion and Civil Society
69117 Heidelberg