Prof. Dr. Dr. Dres. h.c. Michael Welker
Seniorprofessor, University of Heidelberg

Executive Director of FIIT
Prof. Welker's research themes include the areas Christoloy, doctrine of creation, anthropology, and eschatology, the dialogue between theology and the natural sciences as well as interdisciplinary Biblical theology and the analysis of forms of "structured pluralism" in the Biblical canon, in ecumenism and in late modern society. He is a full member of the Heidelberg Academy of the Sciences and a corresponding member of the Finnish Academy of the Sciences.
Prof. Welker's publications include the titles "God the Spirit", "God the Revealed. Christology", "Creation and Reality," "What Happens in Holy Communion?", "The End of the World and the Ends of God. Science and Theology on Eschatology” (edited with J. Polkinghorne)," "Die Reformation: Potentiale der Freiheit" (together with B. Hamm), "Theologische Profile: Schleiermacher – Bonhoeffer – Barth – Moltmann“, "Money as God? The Standardized Monetarization of the Market and the Impact on Religion, Politics, Law, and Morals" (ed. with Jürgen von Hagen), "Concepts of Law in Sciences, Legal Studies and Theology" (ed. with Gregor Etzelmüller), "The Science and Religion Dialogue: Past and Future" (ed.), "The Depth of the Human Person" (ed.), "Quests for Freedom: Biblical - Historical - Contemporary" (ed.)
Department in FIIT
I. Theology in Dialogue with Natural and Cultural Sciences
III. Theology and Legal Studies
Projects within the framework of FIIT:
- Embodiment as Paradigm of a new Evolutionary Cultural Anthropology
- Legal and Theological Dogmatics
- Religion and Civil Societies
- Multiple Reformations? The Heidelberg-Notre Dame Dialogue on the Legacies of the Reformation Age
- Love and Law: The Theology and Science Dialogue in China and the West
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69117 Heidelberg
Tel: +49 6221 543313
Fax: +49 6221 543358
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