
UNIFY - Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality

Voßstraße 5
Gebäude 2240/41
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: + 49 6221 54-7697


Attention: UNIFY is moving! In the weeks from 08.07-19.07 there may therefore be delays in answering enquiries or in the availability of employees.



Family-friendly university
Equal opportunities and diversity
Charta der Vielfalt
MHFA first-aiders

Study abroad – Ambassador of the German National Academic Foundation

For students and (young) female academics studying abroad is nowadays an integral part of their career. Scholarships help financing a stay abroad. However, applicants of non-academic parents or coming from a foreign country are less likely to apply for a scholarship. The German National Academic Foundation wishes the enhance equal opportunities for all applicants and,therefore , sends ambassadors to the universities to lower the inhibition threshold towards an application.

In her presentation the ambassador of the German National Academic Foundation will answer questions related to these subjects.

  • How do I find a traineeship?
  • How can I finance the stay?
  • How do I apply properly?
  • What kinds of insurances are necessary?
  • When is the right moment to go abroad?
  • What kinds of foreign languages are useful?
  • After the stay – how do I pursue my professional career?

Expected date of the presentation: 11. 11.2011, 16.00 -18.00 p.m.

Information and registration
Equal Opportunities Office
06221 54-7697

Responsible: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2011-11-21
zum Seitenanfang/up