
UNIFY - Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality

Voßstraße 5
Gebäude 2240/41
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: + 49 6221 54-7697


Attention: UNIFY is moving! In the weeks from 08.07-19.07 there may therefore be delays in answering enquiries or in the availability of employees.



Family-friendly university
Equal opportunities and diversity
Charta der Vielfalt
MHFA first-aiders

Research Support and Scholarships

The Equal Opportunities Office advises and informs female junior researchers about research support programmes of Heidelberg University, the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg and other institutions for the promotion of science, which are aimed at female researchers particularly. A programme for female researchers, for instance, helps women with children to resume or continue their qualifications. Other programmes are aimed at outstanding female researchers who wish to pursue an academic career. If you have not found a suitable programme, you can look up further support options here.


Olympia Morata Programme

Olympia-Morata 2016-06-22
As part of its plan for the advancement of women, Heidelberg University with this qualification programme provides positions to support young female researchers.
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Olympia Morata Programme of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg

Morata-programm 1 Bild

​The aim of this programme is to support qualified female researchers with their habilitation or comparable qualification at the Medical Faculty Heidelberg.
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Individual Funding

Verfügungsfonds 2016-06-22
With this fund the University has created an equal opportunity back-up, with which to offer timely support in difficult circumstances.
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Margarete von Wrangell Programme


The aim of the programme, which will be realigned by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) in 2023, is to guide talented women through the postdoc phase with the help of structured postdoc positions, to prevent the disproportionate departure of women in the postdoc phase and to attract highly qualified talent to science on a permanent basis.
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Brigitte Schlieben Lange Programme

With this programme the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg wants to improve the situation of junior researchers and artists at universities and increase the presence of female university professors.
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Responsible: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2023-07-30
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