
UNIFY - Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality

Voßstraße 5
Gebäude 2240/41
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: + 49 6221 54-7697


Attention: UNIFY is moving! In the weeks from 08.07-19.07 there may therefore be delays in answering enquiries or in the availability of employees.



Family-friendly university
Equal opportunities and diversity
Charta der Vielfalt
MHFA first-aiders

Diversity Podcast

The “Diversity Spotlights” podcast is concerned with the different features of diversity like gender, sexual identity/orientation, culture/world view and religion, social background, health/illness, age and appearance. These features influence who we are, but, more importantly, they also influence how we are being seen by others. In a society in which privileges and positions are not distributed evenly, this also means that we need to address mechanisms of exclusion, discrimination and inequalities in participation as well as resource distribution.


This is what we are doing with a whole range of dialogue partners. 


Below each episode, you can find our “more on the topic” section that provides more information in form of glossaries, book and audio recommendations, contacts at the University and local networking and empowerment opportunities.



Episode 1: A conversation with Florence Brokowski-Shekete

BrokowskiShekete Bild

Description: photo of
Florence Brokowski-Shekete



In the first episode of our podcast, we are talking to Florence Brokowski-Shekete, the first Black woman director of an education authority (Schulamt) in Germany, about racism, growing up as a Black woman in Germany, her career and solidarity among students.

Trigger warning: Experiences with racism are discussed.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.


more on this topic Externer Inhalt Topics Page: Anti-racism



Description: photo of
Dr. Maria Alexopoulou


In the second episode of our podcast, we are talking to historian Maria Alexopoulou about Germany as a country of immigration, about racist knowledge and about why there has never been something like the “zero hour,” although the myth is still being kept alive.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.


more on this topic Externer Inhalt Topics Page: Anti-racism


Jaana Espenlaub Pressefoto

Description: photo of
Jaana Espenlaub


In the third episode of our podcast, we are talking to Jaana Espenlaub, who is coordinator of the state Baden-Württemberg for the association, about what it means to be the first person in a family to study at university level and what kind of challenges, opportunities, and support facilities there are.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.


more on this topic Externer Inhalt Topics Page: Social Background


Engelmann Foto für Podcast

Description: photo of
Hannah Engelmann


In the fourth episode of our podcast, we are talking to Hannah Engelmann about anti-queer ideologies and gender diversity in universities. She is teaching at the University of Hildesheim and is actively working in education on queer-feminist, ecological and anti-capitalist issues as part of the Bildungskollektiv IMAGO.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.


Description: photo of professor
Julia Szendrödi


In the fifth episode, we are talking to professor Julia Szendrödi. She has been medical director of the Heidelberg clinic of endocrinology, diabetology, metabolic diseases and clinical chemistry since February 2021. One of her goals is to strengthen medicine and research concerning gender issues in Heidelberg.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.


Foto Sandra Runge
photo of Sandra Runge
Credit: Manu Wolf


equal care day logo


In the sixth episode we are talking to Sandra Runge about the rights of parents and compatibility. She is a lawyer specialising in employment law and co-founder of the #pro parents initiative, which calls for the inclusion of parenthood as a possible feature of discrimination in the General Equality Law.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.


Bild Helene Braun
photo of Helene Shani Braun


In the seventh episode we are talking to Helene Shani Braun. She studies Jewish Theology and works in the fields of feminism, queerness, sustainability and communication among religions.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.


Jochen Guck


Diversity Tag


In the eight episode we are talking to Professor Jochen Guck about his experience as a scientist with a disability on the occasion of the German Diversity Day. Professor Guck uses a wheelchair and is an internationally experienced physicist.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.


Frank Reuter
Frank Reuter


In the 9th episode, after a longer break on the occasion of Diversity Day 2023, we are talking to Dr. Frank Reuter, head of the Antiziganism Research Unit at the Historical Seminar in Heidelberg, about the question of why there was no real "Stunde Null" after the Nazi era and why a deeply rooted antiziganist enemy image still exists today as a construct of the dominant society.

Trigger warning: Use of racist foreign designations for Sinti and Roma in historical and research-related contexts; thematisation of racist experiences and reports of experiences of survivors from the Nazi era.


click here to listen to the podcast episode


People with hearing impairments can receive a transcript of the conversation on request.

Julia Hanstein: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2023-07-30
zum Seitenanfang/up