
UNIFY - Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality

Voßstraße 5
Gebäude 2240/41
69115 Heidelberg
Tel.: + 49 6221 54-7697
E-Mail: unify@uni-heidelberg.de


Achtung: UNIFY zieht um! In den Wochen vom 08.07-19.07 kann es daher zu Verzögerungen bei der Beantwortung von Anfragen oder in der Erreichbarkeit von Mitarbeiter*innen kommen.

Familiengerechte Universität
Chancengleichheit und Diversity
Charta der Vielfalt

Guides for handling of conflicts and misconduct - GUIDE

General information

GUIDE was adopted by the Rectorate in 2023 as a procedure for professional handling of conflicts and misconduct at Heidelberg University in order to ensure respectful and fair interaction in a consistently positive working and educational environment. 

We are currently looking for volunteer conflict guides who will provide initial, low-threshold support service for those affected - in addition to the already existing professional confidential contact points. 

Becoming a guide - are you interested? 

We are looking for members of the university who have been part of the university for at least one year and reflect its diversity. 

  • Student guides are appointed for a period of one year and other guides for three years with the option of reappointment. They have a joint transition period with their successor.
  • Information on the processes at Heidelberg University, legal background (German legislation according to "Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, Landeshochschulgesetz, Grundgesetz), psychological counseling and self-care are essential for succesful counseling. You will receive this information in mandatory training initiated by UNIFY.
  • Guides are supported in their counseling activities through regular supervision and peer consulting. 
  • Guides receive recognition for their voluntary. 

You can find details in the call for applications.

Until when is it possible to register my willingness to work as a guide?

Prospective guides can hand in their application (including a short CV and a cover letter) via guide.unify@uni-heidelberg.de until 31th May 2024. In addition, units of the university are invited to contact and to suggest people for their community. The guides will be selected by the Rectorate Commission for Fair Conduct and the new guides' start is planned in summer semester 2024. 

We provide an open consultation hour: Specific inquiries regarding GUIDE as well as the concept can be addressed here, such as questions about the application process, the training sessions, or the responsibilities as guides. 
  • Tuesday, May 14th, 1.00 PM - 2.00 PM 
  • Wednesday, May 22th 9.00 AM - 10.00 AM
  • Tuesday, May 28th 5.00 PM - 6.00 PM 

Zoom access link for all events 


Meeting ID: 829 9911 3097 
Passcode: 044520



Kenncode: 044520

Verantwortlich: E-Mail
Letzte Änderung: 2024-05-08
zum Seitenanfang/up