
UNIFY - Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality

Voßstraße 5
Gebäude 2240/41
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: + 49 6221 54-7697


Attention: UNIFY is moving! In the weeks from 08.07-19.07 there may therefore be delays in answering enquiries or in the availability of employees.



Family-friendly university
Equal opportunities and diversity
Charta der Vielfalt
MHFA first-aiders

Qualification and Advanced Training

13.02.2023, 9 am                                                                                                                                                                                          Mentally strong fathers - How to position yourself as a strong man and actively contribute to family, care work and raising children.

Trainer: Daniel Kauer // Room 235 University Administration
Please register via


Mentoring and Training

Mentoring and Training (Mentoring und Training: MuT) is a programme of the Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg (LaKoG) funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.


MutThe programme supports women in the stage of their post-doctoral lecture qualification and young female researchers who are aiming at a full professorship. It is designed to encourage them to realise their skills and use their chances successfully, to instruct them in organisational and administrative questions and prepare them for executive functions. The Mentoring concept is thereby intended to counteract discriminatory factors that make it harder on women to succeed. As it stands, women have far less access to information, contacts and networks; they often lack role models and a systematic career management. This is where women can partake of their mentors' knowledge and experience. They receive: advice on building a qualification profile, guidance in times of professional orientation, access to build informal work relationships, as well as attention and encouragement.

Fortunately, finding female and male mentors is not a problem.

Qualifikation 2016
Training and individual advice form another part of the MuT programme. You can train your skills in areas such as didactics, (self-)presentation and appearance, while you can get advice on individual career planning, during application processes or on establishing contacts.


Science Web

The first Mentoring and Training orientation event took place in September 1998 with 88 interested parties having responded to the announcement (numbers have increased significantly in the meantime). Following an application process, a first group of female researchers was selected – due to the composition of the candidate pool, there are more natural scientists than humanities scholars among them. The participants, all in the process of qualifying as a professor at universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg, spent three days expanding their knowledge of social, structural and organisational conditions at universities. They also began catching up on what many of their male colleagues have come into through "learning by doing" in continuous employments.

An important part of the programme was the analysis of one's own scientific career progression. It is on this basis that aims of the mentoring relationship were developed. By now, we are pleased to report that the first experiences with mentoring partnerships have not only been very positive; they are also an encouragement to proceed with the project.

When asked at the outset about their expectations, the participants were interested in "getting a better idea of their career prospects", "getting to know female colleagues in similar situations", "receiving advice in the field of didactics and rhetoric", "learning about leadership of employees", "getting out of one's ivory tower" and "receiving pointers en route to professorship". After the event, the feedback has been consistently positive and all participants want to continue with the programme.



Information and Registration

Dr. Dagmar Höppel
Dorett Schneider
Universität Stuttgart
Kronenstr. 36
70174 Stuttgart



Responsible: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2023-02-09
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