
Alexander Matt
Seminarstr. 3
69117 Heidelberg
Tel. +49 6221 54-12300

Administrative office
Tel. +49 6221 54-12301
Fax +49 6221 54-12932

All division contacts

Departments at a Glance

Department 3.1
Building Operations

Department 3.2
Construction and Real Estate

Department 3.3
Occupational Safety

Department 3.4
Space and Energy

Staff Unit
Biological Safety


About the Division

Alexander Matt
“Areas of science do not come by chance, but must be developed, planned and coordinated. Here we are pleased to offer our experience.”
Alexander Matt

The division coordinates the university’s medium- and long-term structural and development planning both conceptually and organisationally as well as the implementation of a comprehensive quality management system. For the various operational areas – student affairs and teaching, research, support of junior researchers, and services – criteria are set for the continuous review and improvement of performance and processes. The goal is to sustainably maintain Ruperto Carola’s strong international competitive edge.

The Construction and Real Estate Department is tasked with the economic stewardship of the university’s real estate and properties as well as with structural and infrastructural development.  Space use demand and requirements have risen substantially with the growing number of research projects, including those associated with the Excellence Initiative. The division coordinates desired improvements with the faculties and institutions early on.

Where possible, joint site inspections are arranged for newly appointed professors to review how and to what extent certain requests can be implemented.  In the area of construction, the greatest challenge is the existing backlog of renovations, for which viable concepts and financial solutions must be found.

The Safety Department is responsible for maintaining and further developing the recognised high safety standards at the university and the university hospital. Here, practicable solutions need to be found for various technical safety challenges that do not limit researchers’ pursuits.

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Latest revision: 2021-07-01
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