Transfer Agency hei_INNOVATION

As the transfer agency of Heidelberg University, hei_INNOVATION stands for the transfer of knowledge and technology from university research results to society. The central concern is to coordinate transfer activities across the university, to make contact with specialised transfer departments of non-university institutions as well as industrial partners and to make scientific innovation services usable for society. hei_INNOVATION is a Rectorate's Department of the Vice-rector for Innovation and Transfer and was established as part of Heidelberg University's Excellence Strategy.

With a comprehensive concept for the fields of action of application, counselling and communication, the university has placed knowledge and technology transfer at the centre of its excellence strategy. Across disciplinary and institutional boundaries, hei_INNOVATION creates the basis for innovative thinking and offers scientists a platform for the further development of future-oriented ideas. Thus it sets new impulses for the implementation of start-up support measures on a broad level. As an incubator for entrepreneurship and start-up support, the rectorate's Department also wants to establish itself beyond Heidelberg in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. The aim of hei_INNOVATION is to sustainably strengthen the transfer of knowledge at the university and thus also to increase the national and international visibility of Heidelberg as a science location. The university's goal is to contribute to solving global challenges with its scientific expertise and innovative capacity.

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