
ERASMUS Incoming Office
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg

Office hours (room 32):
Mon - Wed: 10 - 12 am
Thursday:     1 - 3 pm


Orientation Days

The Akademisches Auslandsamt organises Orientation Days every semester to introduce new international students to Heidelberg and to the German university system. During these days we offer a number of events and presentations covering various academic and social subjects. We strongly recommend you take part.

It takes place in the week before lectures start. During this time, incoming students are shown around the university's facilities (libraries, computer centres, cafés, sports facilities, etc.) by Heidelberg students. Orientation Days are an excellent opportunity to meet other students and to adapt to everyday life in Heidelberg.

A sign-up form for the Orientation Days will be sent with your letter of admission.



The programme for the Orientation Days is also posted shortly before the start of the semester at homepage of the Akademisches Auslandsamt.

Akademisches Auslandsamt


Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2014-07-11
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