
Alexandra Braye
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49 6221 54-12731
Fax +49 6221 54-12789

Office hours (room 133):
Mon-Fri: 10 - 12 am
Thu: 1-3 pm

Further Information


The ERASMUS scholarship is by no means a full scholarship. Therefore, when ERASMUS places are allocated, students must ensure that they have sufficient funds to cover the (sometimes higher) living costs which they will incur in the host country during their period of study abroad.

It is therefore essential that you are well informed about the living costs in the host country, and that you check your own finances before beginning a period of study abroad as part of the ERASMUS Programme. Particularly at the beginning of a period of study abroad, considerable funds will be needed for one-off payments such as a deposit for your accommodation, a bus ticket, or insurance. There can also be unforeseen delays in the payment of the ERASMUS grant, BAföG funding for study abroad (Auslands-BAföG) or other scholarships. You are therefore strongly advised to ensure that you are financially covered for such occurences well in advance of beginning your period of study abroad.

Combinability with BAföG and Scholarships

Students who receive BAföG funding (a national student grant) may also receive an ERASMUS scholarship. If a student receives BAföG funding whilst studying in Germany, then he or she is generally also eligible to receive BAföG funding for study abroad (Auslands-BAfög). In the case that an integrated period of study is undertaken abroad as part of the ERASMUS Programme, the amount recieved will also cover travel costs, and where necessary, the costs of health insurance, and rent. This extra funding is provided in addition to the funding generally granted to students to cover standard costs whilst studying in Germany. Please note that applications must be made in good time (generally at least 6 months before the period of study abroad).

It is also possible for students to undertake an ERASMUS placement if they receive a scholarship from a private foundation (German National Academic Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation etc.). In this case, the ERASMUS placement and the accompanying exemption from student fees, as well as the ERASMUS Mobility grant, may still be awarded. The ERASMUS Mobility grant may not be offset against other national scholarships, these may not be reduced nor suspended.

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2016-01-08
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