
Alexandra Braye
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49 6221 54-12731
Fax +49 6221 54-12789

Office hours (room 133):
Mon-Fri: 10 - 12 am
Thu: 1-3 pm

Further Information

Rights and Obligations

The ERASMUS scholarship generally guarantees exemption from tuition fees at the partner university and, in most cases, a Mobility grant for the whole of the study abroad period. The ERASMUS coordinators help students to create a Learning Agreement for their period of study abroad, and discusses and agrees on how credits are to be recognised. In accordance with the Learning Agreement, students can expect the credits they obtain during their ERASMUS period of study to be recognised by their home university. At the end of the period of study, the host institution produces a transcript of records. This transcript plays a crucial role in the recognition of credits at the home institution.

During their ERASMUS period of study, students study and sit examinations in the courses outlined in their Learning Agreement at the host institution. Certificates are issued to students to prove completion of their course of studies at the host institution. Changes to the duration of the ERASMUS period of study, to the Learning Agreement, account details or address are to be immediately communicated to the International Relations Office. The ERASMUS grant is to be paid back in part or in full, if the period of study abroad is not started, is finished early or if the required documents are not submitted. At the end of the ERASMUS period of study, students are expected to submit a report regarding their period of study abroad, an evaluation questionnaire, proof of the actual time spent studying at the host institution and the credits completed.

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2016-04-20
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