
Alexandra Braye
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49 6221 54-12731
Fax +49 6221 54-12789

Office hours (room 133):
Mon-Fri: 10 - 12 am
Thu: 1-3 pm

Further Information

Terms and Conditions

Participation in the ERASMUS Programme

The new programme offers several different ways in which you can study abroad as part of the ERASMUS Programme:

during a Bachelor’s degree: 3 months (1 term) - 12 months

a Master’s degree: 3 months (1 term) - 12 months

or during doctoral studies: 3 months (1 term) - 12 months

Students in degree programmes which include state examinations may receive funding through the ERASMUS Programme for up to 24 months. Mobility between several partner universities is possible.


Mobility Grant Payments

The ERASMUS Mobility grant shall only be paid for a proven period of study (at least 3 full months) and only for those months stated before the period of study abroad begins. Before commencing your period of study abroad, it is important to check the exact university term dates and to decide whether to study for one or two semesters.

The mobility grant is paid in two installments. The first installment is paid at the start of the period abroad: in October for those who are abroad between August and December of the same year; in January for those who begin their period abroad in the following year. A large portion of the grant is paid in the first installment (70%).

The second installment is paid once the period of study has been completed, provided that all required documents have been received by the ERASMUS coordinators. The deadline for the submission of documents is the end of April or end of July, the dates for payment are in June and September.


Duration of the Period of Study Abroad

The duration of the period spent at the chosen host university for which an ERASMUS scholarship is received, is determined through collaboration between the ERASMUS coordinators and the partner universities involved. Information about the various durations of ERASMUS periods of study abroad is available from your department’s ERASMUS coordinator.

ERASMUS scholarships are only awarded for a duration of between 3 and 12 months within an academic year. Funding within the academic year begins on 1 July at the earliest and must end by 30 September in the following year.

Note: A late change to the duration of your period of study abroad (particularly in the case of an extension) is only possible in exceptional circumstances and with the agreement of your ERASMUS coordinator and host university. A subsidy for the extended period is generally not available. You should therefore take time to consider the length of your period of study abroad before submitting your application.

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2017-02-09
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