Heidelberg University Office Kyoto

Office hours

Monday – Friday:
10:30 a.m. – 12 noon &
1 – 4:30 p.m.

Mailing List

To subscribe the mailing list HUOK-INFO please click here.


***Closing Notice***

Due to the annual founding anniversary of the HUOK’s host institution the office will be closed on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

**New** EHEF 2024 in Tokyo & Kyoto

The European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) 2024 will be held in Tokyo and Kyoto on Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16. Heidelberg University will participate in the fair with a booth on both days represented by the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK). [more]

HeKKSaGOn Presidents' Conference 2023

The 9th Presidents' Conference of the Japanese-German Universities' Alliance HeKKSaGOn took place in Goettingen on September 21. and 22., 2023. For more information please see the respective press release [here] (external link).

Other Centers Abroad
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Heidelberg University Office Kyoto

  • Yoshida International House, Kyoto University

  • Heidelberg University Office Kyoto

  • Heidelberg University Office Kyoto, Opening Ceremony

  • Kyoto University

  • Impression of the City of Kyoto

The liaison office

The Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto (HUOK), represents Heidelberg University in Japan and East Asia. It is conveniently located on the ground floor of Yoshida International House on Yoshida South
Campus of Kyoto University, amongst classrooms, offices and a dormitory for Kyoto University’s international students and guest researchers. This location forms an ideal environment to get in touch with students and researchers the like.



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Latest Revision: 2024-06-12
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