
Peer-Reviewed Publikationen:


  • (with Antonio Tribuzio): On the Energy Scaling Behaviour of Singular Perturbation Models Involving Higher Order Laminates, ArXiv Preprint.

  • (with with Aingeru Fernández-Bertolin, Luz Roncal) On (Global) Unique Continuation Properties of the Fractional Discrete Laplacian, ArXiv Preprint.

  • (with Antonio Tribuzio): On Scaling Laws for Multi-Well Nucleation Problems without Gauge Invariances, ArXiv Preprint.

  • (with Ibrokhimbek Akramov, Hans Knüpfer and Martin Kružík): Minimal Energy for Geometrically Nonlinear Elastic Inclusions in Two Dimensions, ArXiv Preprint.

  • (with Camillo Tissot): On Scaling Properties for Two-State Problems and for a Singularly Perturbed T3 Structure, ArXiv Preprint.

  • (with Theresa M. Simon): On Rigidity for the Four-Well Problem Arising in the Cubic-to-Trigonal Phase Transformation, ArXiv Preprint.

Seitenbearbeiter: Rüland
Letzte Änderung: 12.10.2022
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