Microstructures in Elasticity and Phase-Transforming Solids
Heidelberg, April 6th -- April 8th, 2022
A wealth of complex microstructures is observed in elastic materials and phase-transforming solids, including complicated interfaces, complex nucleation dynamics, avalanching behaviour, and the formation of dislocations and fracture to name just a few. These physical effects in turn give rise to challenging mathematical problems and structures. It is the purpose of this workshop to bring together experts both from the engineering and the mathematical communities, leading to fruitful interaction and exchange on recent progress on these problems.
Invited speakers include:
- J. Ball (Heriot-Watt, UK)
- G. Dolzmann (University of Regensburg, Germany)
- P. Dondl (University of Freiburg, Germany)
- M. Friedrich (FAU Erlangen, Germany)
- A. Garroni (La Sapienza, Italy)
- T. Inamura* (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- D. Knees (University of Kassel, Germany)
- D. Kochmann* (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
- M. Kružík (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
- M. Ptashnyk (Heriot-Watt, UK)
- H. Seiner (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
- A. Tribuzio (Unversity of Heidelberg, Germany)
- B. Wirth* (University of Münster, Germany)
* online participation
Hörsaal Mathematikon,
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg
Registration for in-person participation is now closed. If you wish to participate in online mode, please write to ap@math.uni-heidelberg.de.
For the current Covid measures of the University please visit the following webpage.
Antonio Tribuzio
This workshop is funded by the SPP 2256. The administrative side is founded by STRUCTURES.