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IBF Newsletter 2nd Quarter 2021


Dear Users,

the year proceeds really fast and already leaving half of 2021 behind, it is time to send the 2nd Newsletter in 2021 to inform you about organizational issues as well as topics related to animal welfare.


Obligatory restrictions of mouse-stock due to the critical situation of the building

Reality cannot be ignored. Since years it is well-known that there are numerous shortcomings with regard to maintenance and repair of the building. Meanwhile there are weekly damages that limit our operant procedures, which leads to mandatory cutback of the animals stock to be able to handle the situation.

In this context, we have to ask for your cooperation regarding prioritization where animals and contingency may be saved. In the following you find the options listed, that can be considered:


·      Cryopreservation

·      Ranked coordination of import and projects

·      Stop breeding on stock

·      Sorting out “old animals”, which are indicated on a regular basis

·      Timely Ordering of weaned animals into the experimental areas


Beside extensive repairs of our waterpipe-system in all areas where animals are housed, there will be a “maintenance task” affecting the sterilization procedures for at least 12 weeks, which will massively restrict the day-to-day business in autumn. This could therefore force us to transfer animals to commercial housing facilies.


To prevent this scenario we should strive for a reduction of animals around 20-25%!


The animal welfare officers will get in touch with you to discuss the need of mouse lines, from which no animals were used for experiments within the last years. The same applies for the import of mouse lines.

Before import of new mouse lines the respective animal welfare officer has to give the go-ahead for the import!


Breeding of inbred animals

The breeding of inbred animals is not the business of the IBF since these may be ordered from commercial breeders, which guarantee genetic standardization. Some research groups established, initially temporary, later continuous breedings of inbred strains. These breedings must be closed and inbred mice needed have to be supplied by commercial providers.


Mouse Taxi

The mouse taxi used to be a popular additional service provided by the IBF, which by 1st of august has to be shut. Condition of the vehicle, staff shortage plus additional animal facilities do not allow us to continue providing this service. This means that transportation has to be self-organized – of course considering animal welfare in appropriate manner, which has to be indicated in project proposals.


Mosaic Vivarium

As announced in our last newsletters, there will be a step-by-step change from Tierbase to Mosaic Vivarium. This process takes some time. Update on this issue: first trainings will soon be initiated involving some selected research groups.


Frog Housing at the IBF

The demand of frog capacity has drastically decreased during the last years. Beside space problems due to the necessity to move animals between places, operating efficiency has to be taken into account, because less research groups work with frogs. An additional aspect is, that our frog provider will not be at our disposal anymore. Since it is possible to directly order oocytes, we would like to advise you that future projects should resort back to this solution (it furthermore eases the approval procedure since surgery does not need to be requested).


Option to purchase: Dr. Lohmann Diaclean GmbH – EcoCyte Bioscience



Senior Caretaker-Team

There were some changes in the team of senior caretakers: instead of only one contact person, now there are two on each floor. Responsible for the ground floor are Mrs. Katharina Wacker and Mrs. Martina Hühn, responsible for the first floor are Mr. Kai Lorenz and as before Mr. Philipp Fischer.


Billing form

Since some weeks you receive a billing form after acceptance of an animal project. The information asked here is about the origin of financing, which leads to respective billing of the service. For internal conditions it is decisive to have information about public funding and billing within the university as institution. This procedure is required by our central university administration.

The return of forms is not satisfying. Please keep in mind the form for the unblocking of the project in the database! Only after submission of the form the project can be activated.


Announcement of seminars:

·      06.07.2021, 10 a.m.

From 3R to 6R: Improved ethics for the use of animals towards narrowing the translational gap in preclinical research. (english)Dr. Marcus Meinhardt

Koordinator 3R-Zentrum Rhein-Neckar
ZI Mannheim / Universitätsmedizin Mannheim / Universität Heidelberg

For registration, please click this link: HIER 

·      28.09.2021, 03.00 p.m. Uhr

Selecting Immunodeficient Mice for Oncology and Immuno-Oncology Research. (english)

Jutta Davidson, Dipl. Biol.

Technical Manager
Charles River Deutschland, Sulzfeld

For registration, please click this link: HIER



We appreciate your understanding and support.

Stay happy and healthy.


Best wishes,

Sabine Chourbaji

IBF der Universität Heidelberg 2020
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