Dear IBF-Users,
in this following newsletter
we would like to give you all the information regarding the current
situation and organization of the IBF:
Animal welfare:
1. §11 permit
All §11 permit holders
should install an animal welfare committee.
§11 permits that only
contain animal usage and not animal care, the committee only consists
of the leader and their representative.
§11 permits that contain use
and care, the committee has to consist of representatives of science
and animal care.
These committees have to
meet regularly to discuss measures for improvement of the animal`s
wellbeing. These meetings have to be protocolled.
As regularly is not further
specified, 1-2 protocolled meetings a year should be sufficient.
In case of an inspection
however, it is important to have these protocols as they will be
demanded by the authorities.
So please remember to at
least have one committee meeting until the end of this year.
As the animal welfare
officers are not a part of these committees anymore, they are not
planning any of these meetings anymore.
It however is useful to
invite your animal welfare officer to your meeting.
2. Animal welfare compatible
euthanasia of fetuses, embryos respectively and pregnant mother
The recommendation No.
006/2022 of the national committee professes that the extraction of
living fetuses from an euthanized mother animal in the last third of
their normal development prior to birth is considered a §7 TierSchG
animal experiment project requiring approval.
If for certain the fetuses
are anesthetized or dead a §4 TierSchG animal euthanasia project is
In terms of the use of
fetuses in the last third of the pregnany referring to §4 we have
come to the following understanding with the regional council in
Euthanasia of the mother animal
through an overdose of Barbiturates (Pentobarbital) or an overdose of
Extraction of the anesthetized fetuses
(euthanizing them afterwards through decapitation for example) or the
dead fetuses from the uterus.
If the mother animal is
euthanized through cervical dislocation or O2 inhalation, the
experiment is considered an animal experiment that again requires
approval from the authorities, so please review existing animal
euthanasia projects for their requirements.
Due to staff shortage and
the fact that many participants see their application as not binding,
the organization for the theoretical and practical part of the animal
courses had to be changed.
The theoretical part will be
outsourced to LAS interactive (as many other universities already
have) which will result in increased prices. More information will
follow shortly.
Accident reports
According to new
requirements for data protection, accident reports have to be placed
into a specific mailbox in front of the office of the animal welfare
secretary on the ground floor (Room 0.58). Furthermore, accidents
have to be reported to ones employer as well.
Breeding & Mouse line
Unfortunately, it often
occurs that mouse lines are getting too old to be used for scientific
purposes which results in terminating the breeding.
In the aspect of animal
welfare as well as the limited resources we can provide, we are
asking for a careful time scheduling in terms of import, breeding
dimension as well as the timeframe to carry out the experiment.
S1- Instruction
To be able to participate in
the S1-Instruction as uncomplicated as possible, we again will
provide an online link and a certificate of attendance, which will be
online for 6 weeks, starting in December.
The Instruction is available
in German and English (also it truly is short).
GVO Data sheets
Unfortunately, often
datasheets are incomplete or filled out wrong. Especially in view of
the correct entry in MoVi, we must have appropriate information about
the mouse line.
Thus we would like to urge
you, to check whether the sheets are filled out correctly before
IBF- Animal orders
Please inform yourself on
our IBF-Homepage under the following link:
Current forms:
Please only use the most
current forms which can be found on our IBF-Homepage under „Formulare“
right under IBF / Tierbestellungen.
Old forms will be deleted
without any announcement.
E-Mail addresses
According to the
requirements of data protection only work e-mail addresses are to be
used to contact us and vice versa.
Emails from private email
addresses will be deleted without any comment straight away.
Reviewing of animal orders
The person sending the animal order is considered the orderer. Only this person will receive the order confirmation. The order must be checked carefully and a complaint should be made if there are any abnormalities within the placed order.
Non available animals:
There are various reasons
why certain animals are not available. Often times we are asked if
the order can be placed with a different breeder. This decision can
only be made by the orderers laboratory itself, as ordering from a
different breeder can have an impact on the experiment.
We recommend getting in
contact with the breeder before making that decision.
For example:
C57BL/6J should not be different, as
this line is a registered trademark of Jackson Laboratory which
undergoes regular genetic controls.
C57BL/6N can differentiate, as they do
not undergo these genetic controls.
Outbred strains mostly differentiate
Changes/ Cancellation
The IBF-Animal Order should
always be informed about Enquiries, Cancellations or Changes of an
Please stick to the
following schedule:
Delivery Day
acceptance until/ the previous week*
Friday 11:00 am
Friday (exception)
Wednesday 11:00
Friday 11:00 am
the animals should be delivered on Thursday an additional 93,00€
freight will be added/ distributed to the orders. The fewer
deliveries the more expensive it gets.
Tuesday 12:00 pm
Wednesday 11:00
Tuesday = Denmark
Wednesday 11:00
Thursday = USA
fixed delivery dates. Orders will be shipped as soon as they are
available. See
order confirmation
11:00 am
14:00 pm
The animals can be ordered at any time (even weeks in advance). After
their order acceptance date however a delivery for the following week
is not possible.
Deliveries that do not come from the CRL- Branch in Germany, can
differentiate in their delivery date.
a beautiful Advent season, happy holidays, merry Christmas and a
great start into the year that is coming.