
The Nikon Imaging Center offers a variety of microscopic systems, covering a wide range of applications (the room number where each system is located is shown in brackets).

A1R confocal microscope of pointscanning type. With additional resonant scanner and 32-channel spectral detector. 6 laser lines available (Room U36).
AX confocal microscope of pointscanning type. 6 laser lines (Room U36).
Ti2-W1 confocal microscope of the spinning disk type. For fast low and high magnification imaging, especially for live samples (Room U13).
Ti-Crest confocal microscope of the spinning disk type. With 7 laser lines. Also suitable for lower resolution/lower magnification imaging (Room U29).
TIRF Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence microscope with widefield and epifluorescence capabilities + FRAP unit (Room U15).
NiE upright widefield research microscope with epifluorescence and DIC + a low noise high resolution color CMOS camera for histological stainings. (Room U15).
Ti-HCS advanced widefield high content screening with brightfield and epifluorescence illumination (Room U29).
SMZ25 widefield stereo zoom microscope with 0.5x and 2x long working distance optics plus a 25x zoom range. With epifluorescence illumination. Ultra high sensitive b/w-camera and a medium resolution color camera (Room U13).
LaVision Ultrascope II light sheet microscope for big (optically cleared) specimen (Room U30).
Luxendo InVi-SPIM Light sheet microscope for small samples and live imaging (Room U15).
SMZ1270 stereo microscope with epifluorescence illumination (Room U03).


Bearbeiter: Christian Ackermann

Latest Revision: 2024-08-13

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