LaVision Ultramicroscope II SPIM
Profile: Lightsheet microscope for imaging of cleared large specimens (up to 30x30x15mm) in up to three channels.
After the installation of a gas exhaust system the microscope is now available. The laser lines are 488, 561 and 640 nm.
The Ultramicroscope II is a light sheet microscope that is especially made for big specimen like mice brains. Imaging of such large structures requires optical clearing.
At the moment we have two objectives:
1. LaVision LVMI 4x NA 0.3 objective with a working distance of 6 mm. The refractive index can be adjusted in the range from 1.30 to 1.60.
2. LaVision MI Plan 12x NA 0.53 objectice with a working distance of 10.9 mm. The refractive index can be adjusted from 1.374 to 1.667.
The camera is an Andor Neo sCMOS wit 5.5 Mpixel and a pixel size of 6.5 µm. High resolution images may be acquired by stitching smaller image fields.
Mouse embryo at stage 14.5
acquired with the Ultramicroscope II
Image: Nicolas Dross
Sample courtesy of Maximilian Schönung, AG Lipka