
Dr. Bettina Schuck

Contact information

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institute for Political Science
Bergheimer Str. 58, Room 03.042
D-69115 Heidelberg

Phone: (+49) 06221-54-2898

Office hours

By appointment


Bettina Schuck is currently working as postdoctoral researcher in the BMBF project "Crisis effects on young adults" directed by Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun. This project is part of the collaborative project "Change through crisis? Solidarity and desolidarization in Germany and Europe (Solikris)" together with researchers from GESIS and WZB. From 2014 to 2018, Bettina Schuck has worked as researcher on the FP7 project CUPESSE which was directed by Prof. Dr. Jale Tosun and dedicated to analyzing the causes and consequences of youth unemployment in Europe. At the same time, she investigated the social and political consequences of intergenerational mobility of young Europeans for her dissertation which was completed in March 2018. Bettina Schuck previously served as researcher in the project "The impact of the economic crisis on youth labour markets in Europe" at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES) directed by Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel. Bettina Schuck obtained degrees in industrial economics (B.A. 2009) and Sociology (B.A. 2011; M.A. 2013) across academic institutions in Ingolstadt, Bamberg, Almería and Mannheim.


  • Schuck, B. and J. Shore (2019). How intergenerational mobility shapes attitudes toward work and welfare. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 682(1), 139–154.

  • Schuck, B. (2019). Intergenerational Mobility in Europe - a comparative assessment of social and political consequences. Heidelberg: Universität Heidelberg.

  • Tosun, J., Arco-Tirado, J., Caserta, M., Cemalcilar, Z., Freitag, M., Hörisch, F., Jensen, C., Kittel, B., Littvay, L., Lukes, M. Maloney, W., Mühlböck, M., Rainsford, E., Rapp, C., Schuck, B., et al. (2018). Perceived economic self-sufficiency: a country- and generation-comparative approach. European Political Science, (online first).

  • Schuck, B. and N. Steiber (2018). Does Intergenerational Educational Mobility Shape the Well-Being of Young Europeans? Evidence from the European Social Survey. Social Indicators Research, 139(3), 1237-1255.

  • Voßemer, J. and B. Schuck (2016). Better overeducated than unemployed? The short- and long-term effects of an overeducated labor market re-entry. European Sociological Review, 32 (2): 251-265.

  • Weiß, J. and B. Schuck (2016). First Findings from Employer Interviews, Country report: Germany. CUPESSE Working Paper No. 5. CUPESSE Working Paper Series, Heidelberg.

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