Seal of the University of Heidelberg
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New Corporate Design for the University of Heidelberg

12 April 2007

UniSpiegel university newspaper published in new garb — Research magazine Ruperto Carola and HAI Alumni Revue to follow, then internet presence, letter-paper, visiting cards, name-plates, posters, etc. — “Supreme quality and professionalism needed in communication between the University and society,” says vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Peter Comba

For the first time in its 620-year history the University of Heidelberg has given itself a corporate design. The University newspaper UniSpiegel has just appeared in this new visual garb, shortly to be followed by the research magazine Ruperto Carola and the Heidelberg Alumni International Revue (HAI). In the next few weeks the unified format will be visible for everyone on the internet, on letter-paper, visiting cards, name-plates, posters and a great deal more besides. “Supreme quality and professionalism is needed in the communication between the University and society,” says Peter Comba, the vice-Rector responsible for this new departure.

“In all our public showings this new, unified format will make us immediately recognisable,” said Comba, “and that is the point of the exercise.” He went on to insist that presentation to, and communication with, other scientists and scholars, industry, politicians and society is of the utmost significance for the Faculties, institutes, academic centres and service institutions of the University.

Comba: “On the one hand we have the University with its research and teaching, on the other the public. Society must be told why university teaching and research are important, both in general and more specifically here in Heidelberg. The public must be able to see where our strengths lie. It is essential for us to interest politicians, industry and society in our research results. So we must present those results in a way that makes them noticeable and readily appreciated.”

The three crucial factors, Comba said, are (a) a cogent and efficient communication strategy, (b) professional and effective print and electronic media and (c) an appealing and distinctive design. The most important thing, of course, is still research and teaching quality. “Relevance, topicality and creativity are important factors in this connection. And these attributes are supremely apposite for quite a number of the subjects taught here.”

Another factor Comba considers essential, alongside top-flight research and the right media for informing the public, is corporate identity reflecting the strong links existing throughout the University. “The University depends just as much on each and every one of its members as is the case the other way round. This reliability factor works both ways.” In the last few months, Comba stressed, corporate cohesion and pride in the University have been enhanced by the work done on the proposals for the Initiative for Excellence. In this connection above all, the vice-Rector hopes that the University’s new outfit will meet with approval.

Please address any inquiries to

Prof. Dr. Peter Comba
Vice-Rector for Decision Systems

Dr. Michael Schwarz
Public Information Officer
University of Heidelberg
phone: 06221/542310, fax: 542317

Irene Thewalt
phone: 06221/542310, fax: 542317
Editor: Email
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