New International Max Planck Research School
Physicists of the Universität Heidelberg involved – Opening April 2010
The Institute of Theoretical Physics, the Institute of Physics and the Kirchhoff Institute of Physics - all Heidelberg University - are involved in a new International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) located in Heidelberg. The School entitled “Precision Tests of Fundamental Symmetries” has been granted annual funding of 350,000 Euros by the Max Planck Society and will investigate symmetries in particle, nuclear, atomic and astroparticle physics. As of 1 April 2010 highly qualified junior scientists will prepare their dissertations here. Central coordination lies with the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics.
Symmetries play a major role in the mathematical aspects of physics. They describe the ways and regularities in which particles interact and determine the properties inherent in both well-known and new particles such as Higgs-Boson. One of the issues connected with this is the asymmetry of matter and anti-matter in the cosmos, to which we ultimately owe our existence. In addition, symmetries can explain the nature of “dark matter” and “dark energy”, which together make up over 95 percent of all cosmic energy. At the new International Max Planck Research School the physics of “immensity” (cosmology) will meet with the physics of the “infinitesimal” (elementary particles). On this basis the young scientists will investigate innovative theoretical approaches with the aid of precision experiments.
Seventeen scientists from Heidelberg University will be involved in the IMPRS “Precision Tests of Fundamental Symmetries”. They will supervise the research and teaching programme in conjunction with seven colleagues from the Max Planck Institute. The funding is earmarked for ten scholarships, for working conferences and research sojourns for visiting scientists. Heidelberg University provides the funding for three further scholarships. This new institution for junior scientists is scheduled to run for six years. Its chief coordinator is Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner of the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics. At Heidelberg University two sectors of the “Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics” that was successful in the Excellence Initiative are already linked up with existing International Max Planck Research Schools. The new IMPRS extends this cooperation to a third research field.
Heidelberg, 20 January 2010