Research sojourn for Dr. Shoko Jin at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut

Shoko Jin studied physics and astronomy at the University of Cambridge (UK), where she received her doctorate from the Institute of Astronomy with a dissertation on the dynamics of galactic gas streams and satellite galaxies in the Milky Way. At Heidelberg University she will be applying methods she has developed for the study of gas streams to her research on “star streams”. Astronomers assume that these star streams are the remnants of dwarf galaxies or globular clusters dissolved and incorporated by the Milky Way. Dr. Jin’s research is designed to promote understanding of the way major galaxies evolve.
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation promotes international research cooperation by awarding fellowships to outstandingly qualified young scientists from abroad, thus allows them to carry out a self-selected, long-term research projects in conjunction with an academic host in Germany. The ARI is one of the three institutes comprising the Heidelberg Centre for Astronomy and is internationally renowned for its research on the Milky Way. “Given its wide-ranging expertise in the field of astronomy, Heidelberg University is an outstanding location for my research purposes,” says Dr. Jin.
Dr. Guido Thimm
Centre for Astronomy
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