
Prof. Dr. Sabina Pauen
Spokesperson of the Research Council in FoF 4
Institute of Psychology
Hauptstr. 47-51
69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49 6221 54-7269

Related Information

The Research Council will serve in an advisory capacity in integrating new instruments for networking interdisciplinary research as well as advancing junior researchers and adjusting them to the various disciplinary cultures.

Research Council:
Field of Focus 4

Non-university Partners
Excellence Initiative

Interdisciplinary dialogue is an essential component of the university’s Institutional Strategy, “Heidelberg: Realising the Potential of a Comprehensive University”, which proved successful in the Excellence Initiative.

In the first funding phase of the Excellence Initiative, four main areas of research, the Fields of Focus, have emerged on which interdisciplinary research cooperation will concentrate.

Institutional Strategy

Excellence Initiative

Further fields of focus

Field of Focus 4: Self-regulation and Regulation: Individuals and Organisations

Psychologisches Institut 250x125This Field of Focus concentrates on the analysis of cognitive, emotional and motivational processes of individuals in their various social, organisational and cultural contexts. Finding answers to these research questions requires a joint effort of the behavioural and social sciences, law, the humanities and medicine.

The Field of Focus will build on the work of prominent scholars in the Institute of Psychology, who have conducted internationally successful research on numerous aspects of self-regulation, in cooperation with researchers from psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, neurology, sports science, educations studies and anthropology.

At the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, researchers from political science, sociology and economics work together to investigate individual commitment and social movements in civil society, the changes in patterns of action, and their interpretation in social elites and among social welfare recipients

In the legal and social sciences, analyses focuses on social control, governance processes, and the associated interests and ideas of the stakeholders. Economists explore the behaviour of decision makers with bounded rationality in situations of high uncertainty. The empirical-econometric approach of economics and political sciences aims at identifying factors that determine the success or failure of self-regulation in politics and economy.

The collaborative research efforts that were successfully initiated in the 1st funding phase will be institutionalised and grouped according to themes in the interdisciplinary research network on Distributional Conflicts and Globalisation. This will increase the efficiency of joint research with the Centre for Social Investment (CSI) and improve the interaction with the legal expertise available at the university. During the second funding phase, the Institute of Psychology will form three new junior research groups on self-regulation to further strengthen the opportunities for topic-related interdisciplinary networking in Field of Focus 4.



Faculties and Centres

Faculty of Law (Ger)

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies

Centre for Social Investment (CSI)

Email: Editor
Latest Revision: 2013-07-05
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