Prof. Dr. Rahul Mukherji

Prof Mukherji


Professor and Head
Department of Political Science, 
South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
Voßstr. 2, Building 4130
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany

     Room: 14, 1st floor
     Tel.: +49 6221 5415291
     Office Hours:
Student Consultations:
Friday 1400-1600 hours
Please send an email for an appointment!
     Academia Profile:

About Rahul Mukherji 1


Cv 1


Awards 1


Publications And Research 1


Professional Service 1


Opinions 2

  • The Wire: Swami Vivekananda or Narendra Modi: Who won the 2024 elections
  • Milliarden Stimmen: Explaining the Election result: Interview with Prof. Rahul Mukherji
  • Journal of Democracy: The Most Important Elections You Just Missed.
  • The Wire: Congress's Telangana Victory: Import of the Karnataka model.
  • The Hindu: Civil Society under Siege in India.
  • The Wire: As Bangladesh goes to polls today, how fair will the election be?
  • The Hindu: Parley: Is right-wing populism seeing a resurgence across the world?
  • Hardnews: How India can counter religion in politics
  • South Asia Monitor: "The tragedy of South Asia: Travels through India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal"
  • The Hindu: Words of wisdom for the Congress’s ‘Last Mughals’
  • The Hindu: Seeking to destroy India's civil society
  • The Wire: 'The Kashmir Files' denounces the Vedic ideal 'Sarva Dharma Sama Bhava'
  • The Wire: India’s history holds the answer to Its democratic future
  • The Business Standard: On the contemporary political and economic issues in India
  • The Hindu: The monk who shaped India’s secularism

Talks 1

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Letzte Änderung: 14.06.2024
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