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school curriculum (學校課程, xue xiao ke cheng) 46 entries
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美國勃靈馬爾女子大學記 - Bryn Mawr College [for Women] in the United States
article: Funü Shibao vol. 1 no. 1 (1911), p. 48
中學國語文科補充讀本 - Supplementary reading materials of art subjects in the Chinese language for middle-school
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 3 (1926), p. 132
函授學社 - Correspondence school
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 8 (1929), p. 144
函授學社 - Correspondence school
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 10 (1929), p. 165
函授學社 - Correspondence school
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 11 (1929), p. 143
函授學社 - Correspondence school
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 12 (1929), p. 157
函授學社 - Correspondence school
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 3 (1931), p. 137
函授學社 - Correspondence school
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 6 (1931), p. 3
電報 - Telegrams
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 6 (1931), p. 10
未來的音樂家: 中圖為鋼琴科教授彈琴 - The future musicians: The picture in the middle is showing the professor of the piano department playing the piano
image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 167 (1935), p. 34
女教員都不通經 - Women teachers all have no idea about the Classics
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 233 (1936), p. 16
间谍的训练 - training of a spy
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 271 (1937), p. 65
渺茫的煩惱之絲 - uncertain worries
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 289 (1937), p. 33
美國大學添設結婚課 - Courses added about marriage at American universities
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 292 (1937), p. 6
日本東京的:藝妓學校 - The Geisha school in Tokyo of Japan
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 292 (1937), p. 73
香山女學校試辦簡章 - Provisional regulations for Xiangshan girls' school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 7 (1904), p. 80
記常熟公立校發起音樂科事 - A report on Changshu public school's beginnings in music technology
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 8 (1904), p. 16
培萼初級女學校簡章 - Provisional regulations for Pei'e elementary girls' school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 8 (1904), p. 83
石門公立文明女塾簡章 - Provisional regulations for Shimen public girls' school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 8 (1904), p. 84
女子新讀本導言 - Introduction to the New textbook for women
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 8 (1904), p. 91
普通女學士改訂章程 - Regulations for revisions at the Ordinary women's school society
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 9 (1904), p. 62
民立小學第三次改良章程 - Regulations at Minli elementary school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 9 (1904), p. 62
競化女學校章程 - Regulations for Jinghua girls' school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 9 (1904), p. 69
九江民立女學校章程 - Regulations for Jiujiang Minli girls' school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 9 (1904), p. 72
城東女學社簡章 - General regulations of Chengdong girls' study society
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 9 (1904), p. 73
女學生入學歌 - Song for female students entering school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 10 (1904), p. 57
女學調查 - Investigations into girls' schools
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 10 (1904), p. 80
勸導不纏足會附設第一幼女學堂章程 - Exhortations on not binding feet, an appendix to the regulations at Number one girls' elementary school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 12 (1904), p. 74
自立女工傳習所改良章程 - Regulations for improving the independent women workers seminar
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 12 (1904), p. 76
工藝勃興 - The sudden rise of arts and crafts
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 12 (1904), p. 86
學校近聞 - Recent news from schools
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 12 (1904), p. 89
實踐女學校附屬清國女子師範工藝速成科規則 - Rules for the imperial women's normal technology school accelerated program
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 1 (1905), p. 90
(乙)競志女學校 -
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 1 (1905), p. 98
自治設會 - Establishing self-regulated societies
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 2 (1905), p. 105
運動兩誌 - Two accounts of a movement
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 2 (1905), p. 107
女學消息 - News on girls' schools
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 2 (1905), p. 108
速成功效 - Speedy results
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 3 (1905), p. 85
通辦教授 - Multi-tasking professors
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 3 (1905), p. 85
學生名籍 - A roster of students
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 3 (1905), p. 88
志學藝會 - Study societies
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 3 (1905), p. 91
獨逸之高等女學校(日本乙竹岩造氏調查) - Escaping alone from an upper level girls school (An investigation of Japan's Yi Zhuyan fabrications)
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 6 (1907), p. 64
女子蠶業學校章程 - The regulations for the women's silk indsutry school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 6 (1907), p. 102
記畢業式 - remembering the graduation
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 6 (1907), p. 113
開智女學 - Broadening women's learning
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 6 (1907), p. 114
實踐女學校支那女學生學科規則 - The rules and regulations for Chinese girl students to fulfill a girls' school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 4-5 (1906), p. 109
鎭江承志學堂附屬女學校簡章 - The draft constitution for the Girls School attached to Zhenjiang's Chengzhi school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 4-5 (1906), p. 112