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fashion and beauty (時裝美容, shi zhuang mei rong) 651 entries
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蔻丹修指用品 - Cutex
advertisement: Linglong vol. 6 no. 233 (1936), p. 58
冶容誨淫乎? - Does making up incurs immorality?
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 241 (1936), p. 33
蔡一鳴小姐 湯友章寄 - Miss Cai Yiming, sent by Tang Youzhang
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 2
香港名媛謝清霞小姐 - Miss Xie Qingxia, the Hong Kong famous lady
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 21
謝小姐學習攝影 - Miss Xie learned photography
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 21
少奶奶的愛 - Love of young ladies
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 26
華英小姐 湯友章攝 - Miss Huaying; shot by Tang Youzhang
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 39
袁紹梅 - Yuan Shaomei
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 42
答愛英女士 - The reply for lady Aiying
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 50
夏季美容 - Beauty care for summer
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 53
婦女擦的都是鉛粉 - The cosmetics women wear are made of lead
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 57
怎樣使肌膚白嫩? - How to whiten skin?
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 57
陶女士 陶叔賢攝 - Ms. Tao, shot by Tao Shuxian
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 59
寶蘋影小姐 李傑攝影 - Miss Bao Pingying; shot by Li Jie
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 62
周璇 席與羣攝 - Zhou Xuan; shot by Xi Yuqun
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 79
沈惠芳女士 - Ms. Shen Huifang
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 245 (1936), p. 21
倒立美容法 - The method of beauty by upside-down
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 246 (1936), p. 18
日本女子的搽粉工程 - The powdering work of Japanese women
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 246 (1936), p. 30
如何使面皮白嫩 - How to whiten face skin
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 246 (1936), p. 50
夏天的面部化裝 - To wear facial makeup in summer
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 246 (1936), p. 52
夏季背心 - Summer vest
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 248 (1936), p. 26
香豔浪漫的柏林女人倶樂部 - amorous and romantic woman‘s club of Berlin
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 249 (1936), p. 63
健美的少女有腋毛 - Bodybuilding girls have armpit hair
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 250 (1936), p. 28
敷粉,電燙,染黃髮 - Apply face powder, perm hair, go blonde
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 250 (1936), p. 29
好萊塢影星談女子美容秘訣:自然,清潔,不煩惱為美容三原則 - Hollywood stars talk about women's beauty secrets:Natural, clean, no worries as the three principles of beauty
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 250 (1936), p. 44
好萊塢美美唇膏 - Hollywood Meimei Lipstick
advertisement: Linglong vol. 6 no. 250 (1936), p. 51
小妹妹胡容容滬江攝 - The little child Hu Rongrong, photographed by Hu Jiang
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 19
徐來的夏裝 - The summer outfit of Xu Lai
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 20
徐來的夏裝 - The summer outfit of Xu Lai
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 21
天眞 - Innocence
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 22
玉腿林立 - Beautiful legs side by side
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 39
玉腿林立 - Beautiful legs side by side
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 39
舞 - Dance
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 40
舞 - Dance
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 40
舞 - Dance
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 41
舞 - Dance
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 41
腿的曲線美 - Beautiful curved legs
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 42
腿的曲線美 - Beautiful curved legs
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 42
胡萍的浴裝 - Hu Ping's swimming costume
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 59
兩江女子體專為利用夏季休假特主辦夏令婦女健康運動訓練班圖係游泳跳水練習. - [The picture is showing] two women’s bodies [which are] specially designed for the use during summer vacations and organized by the women’s health movement training course [which picture is connected to the] swimming and diving exercise.
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 60
老牌明星殷明珠 - The famous star Ms. Yin Mingzhu
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 62
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image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 251 (1936), p. 80
粉撲子擊中他們的鼻 - powder puff (cosmetics) hit their nose
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 6
臥室中的佈置及顏色 - Decoration and colors of a bedroom
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 28
秋 - Autumn
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 60
秋 - Autumn
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 60
裝 - Dresses
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 61
裝 - Dresses
image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 61
菲洲的時裝譜 - The latest fashion list of the Philippines
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 65
施用 蔻丹 則指甲更美 - Use " kou dan" for even more beautiful nails
advertisement: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 66