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women's occupation (婦女職業, fu nu zhi ye) 196 entries
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上海市小學職員聯合會禁止女敎員奇裝異服 - Female teachers are forbidden from wearing fancy dress by the Association of Elementary School in Shanghai
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 250 (1936), p. 6
頑固之鄉長:反對女子當校長 - A stubborn mayor: Opposing against women as principals
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 252 (1936), p. 23
中國女飛行家 - China's female aviators
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 253 (1936), p. 28
上海女子職業介紹所一瞥 - A [small] glance at the introduction of Shanghai's women occupations
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 253 (1936), p. 67
英國排斥女教員運動 - The team of the United Kingdom rejected the excersises of [their] female teacher
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 253 (1936), p. 74
上海婦女的家庭職業 - The family occupation of the women in Shanghai.
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 269 (1937), p. 14
女警察的生活自白 - The internal monologue for life of a policewoman
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 269 (1937), p. 66
法国一为女扮男装军人的趣史 - The interesting story about a female soldier disguised as a man
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 269 (1937), p. 70
中文女打字員的生活 - the life of the female typist for Chinese language
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 273 (1937), p. 13
廣州下級婦女之職業 - The occupation of the women in the lower level in Guangzhou
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 273 (1937), p. 73
職業和婚姻的輕重 - The balance between marriage and career
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 282 (1937), p. 33
香港脷洲的船娘 - The boatwomen in Lizhou of Hong Kong
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 283 (1937), p. 65
談談婦女職業 - About the woman's occupation
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 288 (1937), p. 13
美國的女房東生活 - The life of american landlady
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 288 (1937), p. 66
馬戲班裏的婦女生活 (女子的熱情可以馴服野獸) - The woman life in circus.
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 288 (1937), p. 68
女活招牌在日本 - female signboard in Japan
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 289 (1937), p. 65
應提高女教師待遇 - The treatment for the woman teacher should be improved
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 290 (1937), p. 6
遠東諸國的婦女問題 - The issues about women in the Far-East-countries
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 292 (1937), p. 13
上海婦女的家庭職業 - The family career of women in Shanghai
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 292 (1937), p. 69
日本東京的:藝妓學校 - The Geisha school in Tokyo of Japan
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 292 (1937), p. 73
日本在國防期間活躍進步的女子職業 - Active and advance women's career during Japan's defense time
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 294 (1937), p. 30
上海女工的淒慘生活 - The miserable life of Shanghai's female workers
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 294 (1937), p. 74
莫忘了你的家庭 - Don't forget your family
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 296 (1937), p. 16
美國婦人之自活 - How American women make a living
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 1 (1904), p. 43
赤十字社之看護婦 - Nurses of the Red Cross Society
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 2 (1904), p. 50
圖書館演說 - A speech on libraries
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 3 (1904), p. 32
山左女學 - Shanzuo girls' school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 3 (1904), p. 85
柬女子世界記者 - Letters from reporters of Women's World
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 4 (1904), p. 63
女工藝廠 - Artisanal factories for women's work
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 4 (1904), p. 76
蠶桑女學 - Silkworm girls' school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 5 (1904), p. 90
女界明星 - Bright stars from the world of women
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 6 (1904), p. 89
女織布局 - The office of women's cotton weaving
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 6 (1904), p. 90
女醫入會 - Female doctors enter societies
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 7 (1904), p. 91
女工發逹 - Advancing female labor
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 7 (1904), p. 92
從軍記者 - A reporter following the army
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 8 (1904), p. 85
新聞會議 - A criticism meeting for the news
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 8 (1904), p. 86
浙江女界 - Women of Zhejiang
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 8 (1904), p. 87
北京工廠 - Factories in Beijing
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 9 (1904), p. 79
楊州工廠 - Factories in Yangzhou
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 9 (1904), p. 80
新年之感 - Thoughts on the new year
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 11 (1904), p. 9
產科看護 - Neo-natal nurses
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 12 (1904), p. 81
接生善社 - A society for midwives
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 12 (1904), p. 82
女師課童 - A female teacher's coursework for children
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 12 (1904), p. 83
家庭的職業教育 - Vocational training in the family
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 1 (1905), p. 40
女工廠開學歌 - Song for female workers starting school
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 1 (1905), p. 74
實踐女學校附屬清國女子師範工藝速成科規則 - Rules for the imperial women's normal technology school accelerated program
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 1 (1905), p. 90
大學教師 - University professors
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 1 (1905), p. 91
女學消息 - News on girls' schools
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 2 (1905), p. 108
仿辦女工 - Imitating the work of women laborers
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 3 (1905), p. 92
振興實業 - Encouraging industry
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 2 no. 3 (1905), p. 92