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NameName PinyinName TypeLang.pref. Name
許言午Xu YanwuChinesepreferred Name

birth/startdeath/endgender/groupgender uncertain
no date availableno date availableundeterminedgender is uncertain

Authority data

Assignments: 13
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 4, page: 45, 46, 47 -
寶石戒指 Bao shi jie zhiGemstone ring
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 4, page: 74, 75 -
讀新性道德號Du xin xing dao de haoReading the new sexual morality
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 4, page: 107, 108 - Author
失戀之歌 Shi lian zhi geLovelorn song
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 5, page: 53, 54 -
怎樣推翻大家庭制度Zhen yang tui fan da jia ting zhi duHow to overthrow the system of large families
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 6, page: 50, 51, 52 -
我所希望於女學生者Wo suo xi wang yu nu xue zheng zheGirl students and my hopes
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 6, page: 260, 261, 262, 263 - Author
我所見的女學生Wo suo jian de nu xue shengGirl students who I have encountered
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 7, page: 108, 109, 110 - Author
浙江紹興Zhejiang ShaoxingShaoxing of Zhejiang Province
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 7, page: 149, 150 - Author
男女交際的現在及將來Nan nu jiao ji de xian zai ji jiang laiSocializing between men and women, now and in the future
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 8, page: 75, 76, 77 - Author
Funü zazhi, Vol: 11, Iss: 8, page: 144, 145 - Author
兒時的回憶Er shi de hui yiA recollection of childhood
Funü zazhi, Vol: 10, Iss: 10, page: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 -
我所希望於男子者 一Wo suo xi wang yu nan zi zheMy hopes with regard to men
Funü zazhi, Vol: 10, Iss: 10, page: 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 -
我所希望於女子者Wo suo xi wang yu nu ziMy hopes with regard to women
Funü zazhi, Vol: 10, Iss: 10, page: 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 - Author
討論會 尊重女性的男子是否可與不滿意的舊式妻子離婚 一Tao lu Zun zhong nu xing de nan zi shi fou ke yu bu man yi de jiu shi qi zi li hun, yiDiscussion: Can a man who respects women divorce his old-style wife with whom he is dissatisfied?