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NameName PinyinName TypeLang.pref. Name
杜甫Du FuChinesepreferred Name

birth/startdeath/endgender/groupgender uncertain
no date availableno date availableundetermined-

Authority data

Assignments: 4
Funü zazhi, Vol: 12, Iss: 1, page: 131, 132, 133 - mentioned in article
美術與人生的關係/ 均能怡情適性自得其樂Mei shu yu ren sheng de lian xi/ Jun neng yi qing shi xing zi de qi leThe relationship between art and life/ Both can be delightful, suitable, and enjoyable
Funü zazhi, Vol: 12, Iss: 5, page: 66, 67, 68 - mentioned in article
怎能安慰親心/ 應該存些孝敬的心Zen neng an wei qin xin/ Ying gai cun xie xiao jing de xinHow to comfort the hearts of family members/ Should have some filial piety
Funü zazhi, Vol: 15, Iss: 7, page: 198 - mentioned in article
秋夕Qiu xiAutumn night

Funü zazhi, Vol: 12, Iss: 7, page: 220 - depicted on image
有天才的詩人/ 杜甫You tian cai de shi ren/ Du FuA talented poet/ Du Fu