Funü zazhi
No. 005 (30 April, 1916)
Pages available: 1 - 172 (172 total)
女子必讀之書Required books for women
涵芬樓古今文鈔簡編發售預約廣告Advertisement for reservation of an abridged edition of ancient and modern articles from Containing Fragrance Chamber
新譯說部叢書第三集第一次預約廣告Advertisement for reservation of the third volume of new translated oral part series
家庭醫學Family medicine
新出童子軍用書:英國少年義勇軍New published books for boy scout: English yong militia
新出童子軍用書:斥候必携New published books for boy scout: Indispensable to scouts
屈臣氏大藥房臘文達綠瓶香水Waston's pharmacy ? green-bottle perfume
優名塔牙水Eumintol dentifrice water
兒童歡迎童話陸續出版:第一集Fairy tales popular in children are coming: volume 1
教育部完全審定實用教科書教授書同時出版Practical textbooks and teaching reference books completely approved by the Ministry of Education have been published at the same time
梁任公先生著曾文正公嘉言鈔Mr. Zeng Wenzheng's quips authored by Mr. Liang Rengong
教育部審定手工平面物標本Samples of handmade plane objects approved by Ministry of Education
英語週刊English weekly journal
民國五年五月分新出英文雜誌第二卷第五號English magazine, new published in May of the fifth year of Republic of China, volume 2, issue 5
教育部審定師範新歷史New history for normal school approved by the Ministry of Educationi
作文之良好模範:初學作文教授書四冊A good example of composition: textbooks for beginners, 4 volumes
小說月報七卷第四號出版廣告Publication advertisement of Fiction Monthly Magazine, volume 7, issue 4
本社徵集各種影片特別廣告A special advertisement of our newspaper office collecting different kinds of pictures
徵集中外遊記圖片Soliciting pictures of travels in China and foreign countries
請看東方雜誌十三卷大革新Please pay attention to a great innovation in Eastern Magazine, volume 13
教育雜誌四月分出版Education Magazine published in April
少年雜誌Youth Magazine
學生雜誌四月分出版Student Magazine published in April
商人寶鑑三版出書定價一元Treasury for bussinessmen, the third version, priced 1 dollar
歐戰寫真畫Realistic paintings of the European War
诸君入函授學社英文科欲得課程完備學費輕廉者即請取本社簡章一閱If anyone who registers for English course in correspondence school wants to take complete courses with low tuition fees, please take a look at our society's general regulations
上海中國圖書公司和記出版He's publications by China National publications, Shanghai branch
中外輿圖局五彩精印地圖童世亨先生著Delicately printed multicoloured maps published by Chinese and Foreign Map Office, authored by Mr. Tong Shiheng
體操用書Gymnastics textbooks
自製蠶學用器(名目繁多)(擇要刊登)Selfmade sericology utensils (a multitude of names) (only publish important ones)
蠶業學校最適用之書製絲教科書The most applicable book for silk industry school