Funü zazhi
No. 009 (31 August, 1920)
Pages available: 1 - 169 (169 total)
閣下之嬰孩是否食甘睡寧日見強壯耶Does your child eat and sleep well, growing stronger day after day
年老人大便祕結之治法The treatment for elder constipation
四部叢刊Si bu cong kan
徵文廣告Call for submissions
無比之法蘭絨Best flannel
名人書畫紈摺扇Paintings, calligraphies and folding fans of famous people
停止咖啡飲博士登Stop drinking coffee, drink Postum
鷄眼之消除法The removal of foot corns
固齡玉牙膏Kolynos ascientific dentifrice
夕陽染皂Sunset dyeing soap
種德園著名良藥Zhong de yuan famous medicine
公共儲金Public savings
雜誌介紹Introduction to magazines
手工類玩具Handy toys
中等學校教科書Textbooks for middle schools
東方雜誌The Eastern Miscellany
英文雜誌/ 學生雜誌/ 北京大學月刊/ 太平洋雜誌English Magazine/ Students Quarterly Journal/ Peking University Monthly/ Pacific Magazine
教育雜誌/ 小說月報/ 英語週刊/ 少年雜誌Education Magazine/ Fiction Monthly Magazine/ English Weekly/ Youth Magazine
尚志學會叢書Book series of Shangzhi Academic Society
世界叢書World book series
冰原探險記Adventure to iceland
通俗教育用書Books for popular education
宋人小說Novels in the Song dynasty
消遣妙品Wonderful product for entertainment
國音字典Dictionary of National Pronunciation
橡皮底鞋Rubber sole shoes
文藝觀摩會第三次懸賞徵集Literature and Arts Observation Association's third call for submissions
書目介紹Introduction to book items
女子中學師範教科書Teacher's textbooks for female middle schools
The Ladies' Journal
尊夫人瘦怯多病或閣下小兒僝弱無力乎Is your wife thin and sick? Your child weak and feeble?