Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1920)
Pages available: 1 - 162 (162 total)
小說月報啟事Announcement by Fiction Monthly
外交部總長顏惠慶先生編英華大辭典English-Chinese dictionary edited by Mr. Yan Huiqing, Minister of Foreign Affairs
外交部總長顏惠慶先生編英華大辭典English-Chinese dictionary edited by Foreign Minster Mr. Yan Huiqing
婦女雜誌 小說月報The Ladies' Journal, Fiction Monthly
商務印書館[出版雜誌]The Commercial Press [magazines]
新到大批美國照相器具New arrivals from the US, photographic equipments
南昌府小兒服用嬰孩自己藥片得獲強健之證書A Nanchang baby took Infants' medicine and thus won a health certificate
大便秘結系婦女最可惡之大敵Constipation is the greatest enemy of women
美國製造夕陽染皂Sunset Soap Dyes made in USA
丕朕氏補丸Beecham's pills
模範軍人Model soldier
固齡玉牙膏Kolynos dentifrice
雞眼及硬皮之脫落,加斯血藥水之功天下無雙Jiasixue contributes a lot to cure helosis and hard skin
鴻昌金銀首飾號Hongchang golden and silvern jewelry store
和盛首飾號Hesheng jewelry store
精印名箋Delicate letter paper
新華儲蓄銀行New China bank
上海寶由路商務印書館函授學社英文科招生廣告English class of Commercial Press in Baoyou street in Shanghai calls for students
英文雜誌大刷新Great renewal of English magazines
東方雜誌Eastern Miscellany
學藝雜誌Learning magazine
各種賀年卡片All kinds of cards for new year
少年雜誌Youth magazine
英文雜誌English magazine
教育雜誌Education Review
學生雜誌Student magazine
留美學生季報Seasonal news of Chinese students who are studying in the USA
太平洋雜誌Pacific magazine
小說月報Fiction monthly
英語週刊English monthly
教育玩具Educational toys
新法教科書New textbook
美國精緻信箋信封American delicate letter paper and envelope
上海涵芬樓收買舊書Shanghai Hanfen studio is buying old books
通俗教育小說Educational novels
新體彩色寫生記憶畫(說解)(Illustration of) Sketching (New edition)
旅行日記Travel diary
三種上海地圖Three kinds of maps of Shanghai