Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1925)
Pages available: 1 - 317 (317 total)
各大雜誌Famous journals of all types
教育玩具Educational toys
民國十五年(第十三卷)學生雜誌The fifteenth year of the Republic of China (issue 13) The Students Magazine
東方雜誌The Eastern Miscellany
教育雜誌Education Magazine
青年教育專號Special issue on youth education
服用清導丸立愈閣下之傷風Cold is immediately cured after taking qing dao balls
正在絕望之際In a moment of despair
償其所失The loss is compensated
旁氏白玉霜Pond s vanishing cream
孩童之意旨最真The true preference of children
贈送十日試用管請即填寄贈卷Please fill out the coupon to receive a free ten-day sample
家庭經濟Family economy
欲留紀念厥有柯達Only Kodak can meet your need to commemorate memories
母親我要「溫士羅夫人糖汁」解我肚痛Mother I want Mrs. Winslow s syrup to relieve my stomach ache
天下馳名「盧普安女科丸」 World-famous ladies balls
平海氏胎產神水Pinkham s vegetable compound
五洲美容霜Ma Yonc vanishing cream
浙江興業銀行The National Commercial Bank of Zhejiang
保齒禦病牙刷Prophylactic toothbrush
種德園著名良藥Zhong de yuan famous medicine
美麗女修飾所Institute de beaute
今年之小說世界This year s The Story World
第十七卷《小說月報》內容預告Preview of the content of Fiction Monthly Magazine, vol. 17
兒童讀物Books for children
最風行的語體小學教科書The most popular language textbooks for elementary school
人生最要的兩大問題The two most important problems of life
初級中學教科書Secondary-school textbooks for beginners
高尚的遊戲用品 Noble game supplies
積花紅以致富Accumulating bonuses to achieve prosperity
王懷琪編譯《女子手巾體操》/《手巾體操法》Wang Huaiqi edited and translated Women handkerchief gymnastics/ The methods of handkerchief gymnastics
古詩源等書 The origins of ancient poetry and other books
女子讀物Women s readings
介紹/ 婦女旬刊Introduction/ The Ladies Magazine
婦女叢書Book series on women
中學適用音樂書Music books for middle school students
十二卷五號徵文Call for papers volume 12 Issue 5
第十三卷學生雜誌Students Quarterly Journal vol. 13