Funü zazhi
No. 009 (31 August, 1927)
Pages available: 1 - 144 (144 total)
商務印書館出版新書Books newly published by Commerce Press
中西賀年卡片Chinese western new year postcard
民國十七年日記日曆The dairy and canledar of Republic China 17th year
閣下之小孩所值若幹耶Your baby is so valuable
婦女再頌清道丸Women sing high praise of Clearing Intestine Pills
绮華公司Qihua company
橄榄香皂Olive soap
高亭唱片Gao ting record
好立克麥精牛乳粉Horlick's malted milk
華文打字機Huawen typewriter
緯成呢Weicheng woolen cloth
紫羅蘭Ziluolan beauty salon
福美明連保喉聖片Fumeiminglian pills for protecting throat
司各脫乳白鲨魚肝油Scott's emulsion
司各脫乳白鲨魚肝油Scott's emulsion
留聲機片The record of phonograph
污膜The dark film on teeth
污膜The dark film on teeth
商務印書館The Commercial Press
商務印書館Commerce Press
杜克明大醫師Doctor Du Keming
商務印書館出版新書Books newly published by Commerce Press
英語周刊特別啓事English Weekly
婦女叢書A series of women's books