Funü zazhi
No. 008 (31 July, 1929)
Pages available: 1 - 147 (147 total)
美女牌葡萄乾第一補血妙品Sun-maid seedless raisins the best for blood replenishment
清代學者象傳Biographies of Qing scholars
民國十九年日記日曆Diaries and calendars for the 19th year of Republic of China
中國興業銀行儲蓄部廣告The advertisement of the savings department, Chinese industrial bank
《朝鮮》《滿州現狀》《菲律賓考察記》《西藏問題》North Korea, The current condition of Manchuria, The investigation of the Philipines, Tibet problems
請購「維也勒」為令郎製衣Please purchase Viyella to make clothes for your man
東方雜誌社啟事The announcement of the Eastern Miscellany
面似蓮花Face is like lotus
不為河東之吼Not for the roaring from the river east
棕欖香皂Palmolive soap
齒上污膜能使齒牙失其光澤必須除去The black film on the teeth can make the teeth lose gloss; it must be removed
好立克麥精牛乳粉Horlicks malted milk
司丹康美髮霜Stacome hair treatment cream
大力果乾牛奶Dryco dry milk
大洋四元五角之價值The value of four and half Dayang
本誌十六卷四月號徵文Call for papers volume 16 Issue 4
發音最正確/ 勝利唱機公司The most accurate sound/ The new orthophonic victrola
西蒙香蜜粉Simon Creme
種德園著名良藥Zhong de yuan famous medicine
愛蘭百利代乳粉The allenburys milk powder
徵求或轉讓Wanting and exchanging the ladies journal
函授學社Correspondence school
小說月報/ 學生雜誌/ 教育雜誌/ 少年雜誌Novel Monthly Magazine/ Students Quarterly Journal/ Education Journal/ Teens Journal
東方雜誌The Eastern Miscellany