Funü Shibao
No. 015 (01 November, 1914)
Pages available: 1 - 136 (136 total)
婦女時報第十五期目錄Funü shibao issue no.15 Table of contents
新劇界The new theatre scene
女子當有普通醫學知識Women should have basic medical knowledge
關於女子之農業About women and agriculture
敬告同胞姊妹Respectful address to all female compatriots
婦人最弱為母則強說On the saying that women are weak until they become mothers
玉喻The jade metaphor
女子無才便是德辨Debates on the saying that a woman without talent is a woman of virtue
遊歷增學識論Travelling broadens knowledge
論遊歷之益On the benefits of travelling
游歷增學識論Travelling broadens knowledge
取消地方自治論On the abolition of local self-government
妓女墮落之原因十四種Fourteen reasons for the downfall of prostitutes
男女兩性自由生產法之實驗談Experiemental sex selection
小兒營養法Nutrition for children
松山綠衣女The girl in green of Songshan
嵊县鄭烈婦事略A brief biography of chaste woman Zheng of Sheng County
衛生叢談On hygiene
民族之向上依性慾之節制而得Control of sexual desire will contribute to the progress of a race
湘痕筆記[Jottings on Hunanese traces]
活屋The living house [the human body]
塚中人語(續)Voices from the grave (continued)
母 . . . 兒Mother . . . child
觀演戲有感Thoughts after watching a play
紙花Paper flowers
玩月Enjoying the moon
春燕 Spring sparrows
晚香閣詩草/ 詠海棠/ 其二Poetry from the night fragrance study/ Praising begonias/ second poem
秋柳三十首Thirty poems on willows of autumn
賀某女校校長晚婚Celebrating the late marriage of the principal of a certain girls' school
祝人六十壽Celebrating a certain person's sixtieth birthday
對於通世婦女之针砭Admonition for all women of the world