No. 044 (20 January, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
第四十四期要目Important contents of issue 44
男子用情的不可靠The unreliability of men's love
結婚也須貼標語When one gets married, one should also put up posters.
男子心理的不可思議The inconceivability of men's psychology
愛人的錢袋Lover's wallet
兩位貪吃的女子Two edacious women
張荔英的駐顏術Zhang Liying's methods of retaining youthful looks
霏霏屑屑甜言蜜語Crumbs of sugared words
羞澀的觀念Sense of shyness
極端的戀愛Extreme love
解答疑難Doubts, difficulties and solutions
結婚難,我的切身問題It is hard to get married; The problem of immediate concern to myself
防止貓吃小雞法How to prevent cats from eating chicks
姙娠第五月,姙娠的徵候The fifth month of pregnancy. The signs of pregnancy
醒酒法How to dispel the effects of alcohol
洗刷漆器白痕法How to wash off white stains from lacquerware
兩用的沙發椅The dual purpose couch
男女的公敵The common enemy of both men and women
不要錯過青春Don't let the youth slip away
冬季內外衣之新裝Winter fashion of underwear and overcoat
為了婦女要提倡服務社會的先進On behalf of women, we should encourage the advancement of serving society
在一個秋風蕭瑟的時候,她的母親重病了。At a time when the autumn wind rustles in the air, her mother is suffering from serious disease
小兒怕陌生的救濟 (續)Little child is afraid of strangers (continued)
關于兒童說話之我見My opinion on talking to children
兒童不可學結舌語Children shouldn't learn stammer
少女的初戀 (四)The first love of a young girl (part four)
一九二八年公認之佳片Universally acknowledged good films in 1928
同樣的悲聲The same sad voice
津市的叫賣聲Street cries in markets in Tianjin
克萊拉寶的面相Reading the face of Clara Bow
胡珊漸露頭角Hu Shan is gradually cutting a striking figure
中國電影之劇變The upheaval of Chinese movies