No. 066 (07 September, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
姊妹們的三條金律Three golden laws of sisters
本期要目Important contents of this issue
女子守節問題About the preservation of women's chastity
世界各國女子之比較The comparison of women of different countries in the world
男女教育的平等The equality of men and women in education
S女士的命運The destiny of Ms S
空中的女性Women in the air
甘地女信徒被捕A follower of Gandhi was arrested
別矣吾后Goodbye my queen
翁姑強迫離婚My mother-in-law forces us to get divorced
如何解決How to solve this
父親反對婚姻自主My father is against the freedom of choosing one's spouse
鍛煉身體法How to do physical exercises
割玻璃法How to cut glass
護眼良法Good ways for protecting your eyes
肥皂自製法How to make soap by yourself
殘茶葉之利用To make use of leftover tea leaves
妻子犯奸The adultery of a wife
還債領孫To get back one's grandson one should pay one's debt
驅逐嫂氏To evict one's sister-in-law
行爲能力Capacity for action
秋之新裝Autumn new dress
熱心運動的小學生The pupils who are enthusiastic for sports
兒童之衣食住Children's clothing, food and housing
遺產的流毒 - 母子析產對簿公堂The pernicious influence of inheritance - the mother and the son argue with each other on the division of inheritance in the courtroom
虐待老父的兒子 可憐白髮老翁被逐A son who abuses his old father. It is pitiful that the white-haired old man was driven out of home
這樣的好兒子Such a good son
黃峰肇禍An accident caused by a wasp
她的決心Her determination
編輯者言Editors´s Note
一分鐘沸水器An one-minute boiler
人體發光的奇談A fantastic phenomenon of the radiation of human body
卓別靈反對兒子做戲Chaplin is against his son to become an actor
明星的頭髮:嘉寶的白金發、珍哈羅的紅發The hairs of stars: Jiabao's platinum gold hair, Zhenhaluo's red hair
擺裡摩亞三兄妹Three siblings Barrymore
嘉寶的將來計畫The future plan of Jiabao
三年計劃A three-year plan