No. 026 (09 September, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
毀譽的由來The origin of slander
愛與心Love and heart
丈夫怕見生人(My) husband is afraid of meeting strangers
兩個間接的抵制日貨方法Two indirect ways of boycotting Japanese goods
夜禮服Evening dress
人面不知何處去,隔江猶自悵桃花。(未完) The whereabout of that person is unknown; one feels melancholy over peach blossom alone on the other side of the river (to be continued)
從客氣上發生懷疑Politeness generates distrust
引導婦女界的明星A star leading the women's world
利用夏季服裝Utilizing summer clothes
常識二則Two pieces of general knowledge
小考夫球的秘訣The secret to small golf [minigolf]
男女胎兒預知法The way of predicting the sex of a fetus
皇帝皇妃的離婚The divorce of the emperor and his concubine
患難的婚姻才是美滿(未完)A marriage with [overcome] shared sorrow is perfectly satisfactory (to be continued)
兒童觀電影的注意Precautions to be taken while children watch movies
游泳與划船Swimming and rowing
一個失戀自新的她(未完)She who was disappointed in love makes a new start (to be continued)
亞細亞步行團日記之一段(續)A part of the diary of the Asian trekking group (continued)
編劇家口中的趣事A funny story told by a screenwriter
好萊塢幾位電影明星的薪俸The salary of a few Hollywood movie stars
克萊拉寶的希望Clara Bow's hopes
編輯者言Editor's note
吉爾勃與嘉寶對於言論界的態度Gilbert's and Garbo's attitudes towards the media