No. 009 (13 May, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
婦女列席國議應有表決權Women attending as nonvoting delegates should be entitled with the right to vote
今非昔比的女子Women nowadays are no longer what they were before
追逐着底男士Men staring at women rudely
婚后的丈夫Husbands after marriage
女職員的虛驚Female office workers frightened by a false alarm
三思而后行Think thrice before you act
菩薩蠻 惜花Song Of The Country Norm/ The Bodhisattva-like Barbarian Dancers -- Cherishing Flowers
法駕導引 春遊
婦女要訊Important news for women
心不在焉Being absent-minded
經驗之談Some remarks based on experience
有毒的鮮菌Toxic fresh mushrooms
美容之門The gate to beauty
催得很緊Being tensely urged
胖子的象徵Signs which show that you are fat
洗濯新法 — 不用肥皂A new way to do laundry - no need for soap
新娘新郎的常識(續)Common Knowledge on Brides and Grooms (continued)
廉美的服飾(續)Clothes of good value (continued)
我的掃除法(續)My rules for cleaning up (continue)
編輯者言Editor's note/talk
服催奶藥之害The dangers of taking medicine which stimulates lactation
觀察所得What one has learned from observation
睡眠的重要(續)The importance of sleep (continued)
照片與圖畫有何區別The differences between photographs and drawings
/Go Home and Tell Your Mother
女子是有危險性的Women are more or less dangerous
她微笑着She smiles
第二個嘉爾曼The second Carmen
太子的戀人The lover of the prince
畫家筆底的神技The masterstroke of a painter
關於司璜遜的空氣About "Swansons's" atmosphere