No. 005 (15 April, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
給姊妹們To (Elder and Younger) Sisters
別急急地跨出校門Don't be in a rush to leave school
春天的修飾Spring maintenance
妻子與丈夫爭駁何益There is no benefit for the wife to argue with the husband
男子婚後愛情冷談的原因及補救The reasons why man gets cold after marriage and its remedy
婦女電報Women's telegrams
男性的壞心理Men's evil mind
一九三一的我 (續)Me in 1931 (continued)
熱水瓶的軟木塞有毛病There is something wrong with the soft wooden cork of the thermos flask
危險! 信中來鈔票Danger(ous)! Paper money in the envelope
洋裝 書籍Books with western-style cover
羞 - 打捯新法Shame! - A new way to soften (erection)
賊! 秘訣在此Thieves! Here is their Trick
治咳簡法Simple way to cure cough
龍井茶 並不好Longjing tea is not as good as has been told
應時常識Seasonable common sense
女子浴水的方單Recipe for women's bath water
摩登居室的佈置Arrangement of modern living room
赴宴會的禮節The etiquette of attending a banquet
矮腿Short Legs
一九三一年新裝New fashion of 1931
換回失戀 (續上期)Salvaging a broken relationship (continued from last issue)
編輯者言Editor's note
購買舊攝影器要訣Tips on purchasing used cameras
流浪的情人I'm Just a Vagabond Lover
玲瓏消息Linglong news
她與他She and he
雷門諾伐羅之接吻經Ramon Novarro's kiss experiences
銀星之吻Movie stars' kisses
遊阿非利加的一幕A scene in Visiting Africa
女性的圈套Women's trap
被包圍在三角之中Surrounded by a triangle
又離婚的巴賴的一夕話. 她再婚的意见. (上)Some words from Pola Negri, who got divorced again; her opinion on getting married again (part 1)