No. 022 (12 August, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
給少女們的一封信A letter to maidens
玲瓏短訊Linglong flash news
男女結婚應有照會Men and women should get official documents to get married
美國女學生選擇男子的標準The criteria of American female students for choosing a man
貧醜的郎君Poor and ugly husbands
夏季新裝New summer fashion
失戀的起源The origin of unrequited love
男子以為失戀的標準Man's criteria for losing his love
金錢可以壓制我們嗎?Can money suppress us?
舊式婚姻的犧牲者A victim of old-style marriage
拿點良心出來吧! 1. 軍閥先生 2. 奸商們 3. 摩登小姐Show a little conscience! 1. warlords 2. profiteers 3. modern ladies
二五不知十(He doesn't know that) two times five equals to ten
臭藥水之自製法The recipe of self-made smelly (sterile) water
美人-花Beauties - flowers
失業青年應具的常識General knowledge the unemployed youth should have
除疤痕法How to get rid of scars
凡士林的效用Efficiency of vaseline
屈死何其多How great the amount of those who were wronged and driven to death is!
兒童與性教育(續)Children and sex education (continued)
兒童的飲食(續)Food and drinks for children (continued)
死矣日本女運動家The Japanese sportswoman is dead
甜蜜的月(未完)A sweet moon (to be continued)
卡門彭絲的紅運The good luck of Carmen Barnes
[No Chinese title]Lady Luck
公使俱樂部之狂歡The carnival at Envoys Club
一個平常的女人An ordinary woman
分門別類之公園Different categories of parks
編輯者言Editor's note