No. 046 (27 January, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
第四十六期要目Important contents of issue 46
怎樣培植一個女兒How to bring up a daughter
標準美女的條件Requirements for being a standard beauty
你該有一個以上的戀人嗎?Should you have more than one lover?
最惡直爽人Those who are straightforward are the most wicked
打倒男女不平等Down with inequality between men and women
戀愛與留蘭香糖Love and spearmint flavored chewing gum
義務的保鑣Voluntary bodyguards
解答疑難Doubts, difficulties and solutions
死了也不忘他 (續)I won't forget him even if I die (continued)
哥哥昨夜結婚今晨離婚--原因: 兩乳又大又輭My elder brother got married yesterday and got divorced this morning - the reason: her breasts are big and soft
家庭看護的方法Methods of home nursing
妊娠第八月徵候Signs of the eighth month of pregnancy
簡便的樂器A simple and convenient music instrument
相人性情方法Method for telling one's character (by looking at one's face)
馮庸之三不Feng Yong's three "noes"
何必投江There is no need to jump into the river
兒童九時的病The sickness of children at nine o'clock
兒童的食量Children's capacity for eating
摩登少女的痛苦The pains of a modern young girl
少女的初戀 (六)The first love of a young girl (part six)
笑林一束A cluster of jokes
遺棄Being abandoned
編輯者言Editor´s Note
中國電影珍問News tidbits of Chinese movies
三年來公認之佳片 (四)Universally acknowledged good films in the past three years (four)
好萊塢打倒美女Down with beauties in Hollywood
澆頂奇會Unusual gathering of pouring water on one's head
攝取影片意外之患Unexpected troubles during film shooting
中外電影明星選舉揭曉The results of the vote for Chinese and foreign movie stars